Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Power of Our Song- Part 1

Acts 16 gives us one of the greatest examples of the power of worship in the Bible.  We find Paul & Silas in prison.  They have been arrested, falsely accused, beaten, thrown in jail and shackled at their feet.  Talk about a bad day!  The next time you feel like you're having a bad day, read this story and maybe it will help give a little perspective.
In verse 25 we find Paul & Silas not complaining but "praying and singing to God"!  In this story there are two key truths regarding worship that I want to share with you.  I will talk about the first in this post and the second in The Power of Our Song-Part 2.  

Here's the first...

Tough times reveal where our heart is regarding our worship to God.
Verse 22-24 says, "Then the multitude rose up together against them; and the magistrates tore off their clothes and commanded them to be beaten with rods. And when they had laid many stripes on them, they threw them into prison, commanding the jailer to keep them securely. Having received such a charge, he put them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks."  

It's pretty easy to give praise to God when life is going smooth and we are perched up on the mountain top.  But what about when trouble and adversity come our way and we want to sing the blues?  Paul & Silas weren't at a worship conference or a church service with state of the art sound and lighting.  They were in prison.  A cold, dark, depressing prison.  Verse 25 tells us that it was "at midnight".  I don't know about you, but at midnight, after a long hard day I usually don't feel like singing.  Maybe that's the point.  Worship flows out of love and faith.  They didn't let their feelings lead their faith.  They let their faith lead their feelings, and their worship.

What was the difference between Paul & Silas and all the rest of the prisoners?  Obviously, they all were dealing with some hard times.  I mean, they are in jail!  They're all in the same horrible conditions.  How come Paul & Silas were singing while the others... well, were not singing?  The difference was this.  They knew something that the others didn't.  They knew Jesus.  They knew that He was worthy of their worship and that when God's people pray & sing to Him... He responds!  Maybe they could sing when the others couldn't because the prisoners saw themselves "trapped inside" the prison while Paul & Silas saw themselves "coming out" of prison. 

Don't allow outside circumstances or problems rob you of your worship, nor your present placement or position affect your faith for your future.  In fact, allow them to drive you to Jesus in worship.  The answers for all of life's problems are found at the cross of Christ.  As you worship, you will magnify God and demagnify your problems.  We all have tough times and go through seasons of difficulty.  I know it can be tough sometimes, but let us be like Paul & Silas.  Let's have an attitude & heart of worship no matter what life might be throwing at us.  Remember,  "When it looks the darkest, our praise needs to be the strongest!" 


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